
contact me if u want yo 4to 2 b here..mwaikambo@live.com

Wednesday, August 1, 2012



How do you describe your own vocal sound?

Is it smooth and resonant?  Is it a bit hoarse, tight or tense sounding?  Is it pinched, scratchy or throaty?  Is it as pleasing, mellow and relaxed to listen to as you would like it to be?
Finding, or discovering your best, most natural vocal sound gives you a benchmark.  A place to go back to when you may be abusing or overusing your voice.  What we’re really talking about here is the sound you get when there  minimal tension in your voice and when your posture, breathing and other basics are working fairly well.

Your vocal sound is the result of a number of factors

One of those factors is the vocal characteristics of the people you imitated while learning to speak. That can include the overall sound, diction and even the tonal quality of those you first listened to.  Other aspects of your vocal sound are a result of your physiology.  Are your adult vocal folds long or short, thick or thin, what is the size and shape of your sinuses and nasal passages etc.  Even your native tongue determines much about your basic, default sound.  English, Spanish, German, French and Chinese all use very different sound characteristics Yet all can be spoken with relative freedom, or tension.
Then, there is your physical makeup and how that effects the acoustics of your voice such as the length and thickness of the vocal folds, the size and shape of your sinuses, nasal passages, oral cavity etc.
In other words, there are a lot of variables, yet most of us, with some right training and guidance, can learn to product an attractive vocal sound.

Complete Tone

In the Vocal Coach Complete Tone CD we take you on a journey that will help you do several things.
  1. It makes you vocally aware of your own vocal characteristics and sound.
  2. It leads you through exercises to help you determine what it feels like when you are doing things right.
  3. It helps you develop muscle memory.  And, muscle memory will bring you back to that place of freedom.
Serious Fun!
Finding, then being able to reproduce your own best sounds is one of the most exciting and practical things any singer can do.  Then, you can choose to change and alter that sound for various styles, while at the same time keeping your voice and not sacrificing vocal health or style.
If you haven’t worked with the Complete Tone CD yet you should.  It’s just a download away, or available as a physical CD at vocalcoach.com.

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