contact me if u want yo 4to 2 b here..mwaikambo@live.com
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Vocal Singing Exercises & Scales
Vocal Singing Exercises & Scales
Free vocal singing exercises online complete with midi scales to help you practice, plus singers articles and links to sites offering vocal exercises.When you have mastered your breathing, the following free singing exercises will help you on the path to improving and understanding your voice.
The key to a good rehearsal is to ensure that you achieve the following before starting:
Abdominal breathing
Good posture
Breath during natural pauses
Keep your chin level
Keep your knees loose
Keep your head up
Keep your shoulders sloping and relaxed
Keep your toes pointed forward with your weight on heels and soles
Keep the front of your neck loose - don't stretch it
Keep abdominal muscles relaxed
Keep your back muscles relaxed
Avoid holding your shoulders lifted and puffed out
Relax and SMILE.
If your having a bad day or feel tense and stressed, this can affect your practices and performance. To help achieve consistancy do a few Relaxation Exercises before your rehearsal. If it all starts going horribly wrong, take a break, relax or do something else and try again later.
Stand with your shoulders relaxed, arms by your side.
Breath in slowly.
Sing one note, holding the note for as long as you can without becoming short of breath.
Do NOT suck in your stomach!
Repeat the exercise with different notes using doh, ray, me, far, so, la, te, doh.
Use different mouth shapes and vowels like "ooh", "ee", "a" and "aah"
Try singing up and down a scale (called an arpeggio).
Sing short notes (known as Staccato) as well as long ones.
Practice along with our free online midi scales!!
Vocal Scales - Click Here
'I really love to sing' (going up the scale)
'La, Lo, Le, Lo'
'Ma, Mo, Me, Mo'
'Ta, To, Te, To'
'Hi, He, Ha, Ho, Hu'
'Qua, Quo, Que, Quo'
'Fluffy Floppy Puppy'
'Lolli, lolli, lolli, lolli pop'
'Bring back the boys big brown blue baseball bats'
'Sally saw silvester stacking silver saucers side by side'
(c-e-d-f-e-g-f-a-g-b-a-c--b-d-c up the scale then down the opposite way)
(suggested by Erica Zweig posted to Vocalist Newsgroup.
To feel the difference between raised and normal positioning of the larynx, place your fingers gently on your throat and try to talk as if you were a child or use 'baby talk'.
Record your efforts, notice the notes that do not sound right and concentrate on those until they do! Listen to the difference in your recordings over the next few weeks practice sessions to hear the improvement in your voice.
Read Q & A on singing posted to our Singers FAQ
Singers seeking more advanced exercises, Vocalises, or songs without words, range from basic vocal scales and exercises to classical works of art designed to test intonation and phrasing, control and nuance, visit the section for online vocalise and vocalise books containing singing exercises.
How To Sing Vibrato
It took me years to discover how to sing vibrato. It is my hope that
with the advice I give you on this page, you will be able to skip this
learning curve and develop a fine singing vibrato very quickly. When it comes down to it, singing with a stunning vibrato is quite easy.
But it can take a long time to discover it when you don’t know how to do it.
It’s this “discovering” process that you need to get sorted. Once you “discover” how to get your vibrato going, it becomes easy to perfect it and enjoy the way it makes your singing sound wonderful.
So what I want to do here is help you to discover your vibrato. Like introducing you to a person, I want to introduce you to your vibrato. When we’re finished you will be acquainted with your vibrato and you can then build on this and improve.
I will also point you toward the best resource for learning to sing with vibrato like a pro. More on this in a moment.
Now, before I introduce you to your vibrato there is one very important thing you need to know.
What you need to know is, when you hear a singer with magnificent vibrato It’s nearly always a sign that they have their singing technique in order. Good vibrato is a sign of good vocal technique.
So not only will you learn to develop an excellent vibrato, but you will also strengthen your vocal technique as well!
Ok, so let’s get into it.
How To Sing Vibrato – An Exercise
The easiest way to learn how to sing vibrato is to do an exercise that makes it easy to get a taste of what vibrato feels like. In other words, there are some foolproof methods that actually “force” you to get your vibrato going.Once you do this, you will know what it “feels” like to sing with vibrato. After this you can simply practice getting this feeling back to improve from there.
The easiest exercise is to put the palm of your hand just above your belly button on the soft area below your bottom ribs.
Sing an easy note and gently “pump” in and out with your palm. Try and pump at a rate of around 3 to 4 pumps a second. As you do this, listen to the way your voice automatically wavers in a vibrato like fashion.
Now, obviously you’re not going to sing with your hand “pumping” in and out on your tummy.
That’s not the point. The point of this exercise is to allow you to see what vibrato feels like.
Once you’ve done the exercise for a while, take your hand away and try and re-create the feeling of vibrato. I bet you’ll be able to get a few vibrato cycles without too much effort.
If you can’t, go back to the previous exercise and pay close attention to the way it feels as you do it. Then once again, take your hand away and try and get the feeling back.
Learning to sing well is all about paying really close attention to the way things feel when you are singing well. When you are doing something correctly, you can then build on it and cement this technique into your voice.
So practice the exercise I’ve just told you! The more you practice it the more you will understand where your vibrato comes from. And the more you’ll be able to get vibrato going without the aid of your hand.
The resource I promised you earlier can be found at this website. If you want to learn how to sing vibrato there is no better training. You’ll have the vibrato of a pro in no time!
One last thing.
If you can’t get your vibrato going straight away, don’t panic. It’s all about continuing to play with it until you reach that point where it just “clicks”. It took me years to learn to sing vibrato, but with the information I’ve just given you I promise it will take you much less. Hint: The exercises at this website was the turning point in my search for an amazing vibrato. Be sure to check them out.
Good luck with learning how to sing vibrato!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The michael jackson in Human nature
Get me out into the night-time Four walls won't hold me tonight If this town is just an apple Then let me take a bite
If they say, why, why? Tell 'em that is human nature Why, why does he do me that way? If they say, why, why? Tell 'em that is human nature Why, why does he do me that way?
Reaching out to touch a stranger Electric eyes are everywhere See that girl, she knows I'm watching She likes the way I stare
If they say, why, why? Tell 'em that is human nature Why, why does he do me that way? If they say, why, why? Tell 'em that is human nature Why, why does he do me that way? I like livin' this way, I like lovin' this way
Looking out across the morning The city's heart begins to beat Reaching out, I touch her shoulder I'm dreaming of the street
If they say, why, why? Tell 'em that is human nature Why, why does he do me that way? If they say, why, why? Ooh, tell 'em Why, why does he do me that way?
If they say, why, why? Cha cha cha Why, why does he do me that way? If they say why, why, why? Ooh, tell 'em Why, why does he do me that way?
If they say, why, why? Ooh, tell 'em Why, why does he do me that way? If they say, why, why? Da da da Why, why does he do me that way? I like livin' this way
Read more: MICHAEL JACKSON - HUMAN NATURE LYRICS http://www.metrolyrics.com/human-nature-lyrics-michael-jackson.html#ixzz24xP5LrDP
Copied from MetroLyrics.com
Sunday, August 26, 2012
The Gaither Vocal band
Gaither Vocal Band
« Back to Artist ListingNow, for more than a quarter century, the Gaither Vocal Band has created a legacy of award-winning excellence that has forever raised the bar for male harmony. The list of men who have comprised the Gaither Vocal Band over the years reads like a “Who’s Who” among the gospel music industry’s best-loved voices, including: Gary McSpadden, Steve Green, Lee Young, Jon Mohr, Larnelle Harris, Michael English, Lemuel Miller, Jim Murray, Mark Lowry, Terry Franklin, Buddy Mullins, Jonathan Pierce, David Phelps, Russ Taff, Guy Penrod, Marshall Hall and Wes Hampton.
Always at the helm has been Bill Gaither, who has led the group out of his personal passion for great harmony and his genuine desire to bring meaningful music to a hurting world. And the Grammy-winning, chart-busting success of the Gaither Vocal Band has far exceeded his wildest expectations.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
An adventist social network for chating and sharing
Click here to sign up
Adventist Online is all about SDA friends, social networking, and connecting with your community! When you see someone you want to talk to, add them as your friend. This will allow you to see their complete profile and send them private messages. So add all your friends... and then invite more! The bigger the Adventist community we have, the better it is for all of us.
Adventist Online is the largest social network for Seventh-day Adventists. Find your SDA friends on the most active & fun Adventist forum! Click here
Adventist Online is all about SDA friends, social networking, and connecting with your community! When you see someone you want to talk to, add them as your friend. This will allow you to see their complete profile and send them private messages. So add all your friends... and then invite more! The bigger the Adventist community we have, the better it is for all of us.
Adventist Online is the largest social network for Seventh-day Adventists. Find your SDA friends on the most active & fun Adventist forum! Click here
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Benefits of singing
Claim: ‘Children Who Sing Have Greater Academic Success and Life Skills’
While Chorus America does offer some support for this claim by pointing to actual data about students’ grades, they also surveyed parents, the majority of whom reported that their child has become more self-confident, shown more self-discipline and improved their memory since joining a choir.The issue here is asking parents to draw a causal relationship between the activity (singing in a choir) and the outcome (better memory).
To see why this is a problem, consider these three questions:
- Has playing sports improved your child’s memory?
- Has eating more apples improved your child’s memory?
- Has singing in choir improved your child’s memory?
Other Findings
The study has a number of other interesting findings and you can read the rest of them here.In short, singing in choir may very well be a good thing. But how good? We’re still not sure.
Do you sing in a choir? Leave a comment and let us know why and how it has affected your life.
Friday, August 17, 2012
This is an accapella group that worship GOD by singing through their blessing songs that has strong message, they Got a lot of Blessing songs, for more songs and contacts check them http://www.facebook.com/vocapellatz
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
How do you sound if your voice is CHILDLIKE?
How Professional Do You Sound If Your Voice Is Childlike?
Do you find that others have difficulty taking you seriously because you sound like a 12 year-old or worse still, an 8-year-old? Yes, ladies, I am talking about answering the phone and the caller asks to speak to your mother!Some years ago, I worked with Janice who not only sounded like an 8-year-old but also resorted to baby talk at work. Her job was in administration within a bank’s mortgage department. Because we are unable to hear our voice the way everyone else does, Janice really didn’t know just how bad she sounded or looked until she saw herself on a video recorder. Not only was she stunned at her voice but she was disgusted as well by her posture which displayed a total lack of confidence.
That experience was enough to make her realize that she needed to change if she wanted to move up in her career. And, she did. Janice’s change was remarkable. By learning how to use her chest cavity to power her sound, she discovered a voice that she did not know she had. Warm, rich, and deeper in pitch, her ‘real’ voice not only sounded more mature but was one of the best I have ever heard.
The majority of people are not using their chest cavity as their primary sounding board, instead relying heavily on their throat and voice box to produce most of their sound. As well, the nasal cavities and mouth are also responsible for the production of voiced sound. Those who hail from Brooklyn, for instance, often use their nasal cavities more heavily than their other 4 resonators.
The secret to a great speaking voice is the use of all 5 of these resonators with the understanding that you must temper the sound. Too much through the nose and your voice will sound nasal. Too much forcing from the throat and your voice will exhibit a gravelly or a hoarse quality.
What was fascinating about Janice was that her posture improved as well as her voice. After her training, her colleagues told me that she walked differently: she walked with purpose with her head held high.
There is no doubt that you have a better voice inside of you. It is merely a matter of discovering it and then making it a habit. I found my ‘real’ voice in graduate school and it got me the jobs I wanted in New York City because I sounded more mature and confident.
With voice training, you will not only sound better, but you will probably look better, and you will most definitely feel better about yourself. Lose the childlike voice and watch what happens to your career.
If you would like to see and hear a dramatic change, from childlike to mature, watch Trish’s ‘Before & After’ video clip.
How do you describe your own vocal sound?
Is it smooth and resonant? Is it a bit hoarse, tight or tense sounding? Is it pinched, scratchy or throaty? Is it as pleasing, mellow and relaxed to listen to as you would like it to be?Finding, or discovering your best, most natural vocal sound gives you a benchmark. A place to go back to when you may be abusing or overusing your voice. What we’re really talking about here is the sound you get when there minimal tension in your voice and when your posture, breathing and other basics are working fairly well.
Your vocal sound is the result of a number of factors
One of those factors is the vocal characteristics of the people you imitated while learning to speak. That can include the overall sound, diction and even the tonal quality of those you first listened to. Other aspects of your vocal sound are a result of your physiology. Are your adult vocal folds long or short, thick or thin, what is the size and shape of your sinuses and nasal passages etc. Even your native tongue determines much about your basic, default sound. English, Spanish, German, French and Chinese all use very different sound characteristics Yet all can be spoken with relative freedom, or tension.Then, there is your physical makeup and how that effects the acoustics of your voice such as the length and thickness of the vocal folds, the size and shape of your sinuses, nasal passages, oral cavity etc.
In other words, there are a lot of variables, yet most of us, with some right training and guidance, can learn to product an attractive vocal sound.
Complete Tone
In the Vocal Coach Complete Tone CD we take you on a journey that will help you do several things.- It makes you vocally aware of your own vocal characteristics and sound.
- It leads you through exercises to help you determine what it feels like when you are doing things right.
- It helps you develop muscle memory. And, muscle memory will bring you back to that place of freedom.
Finding, then being able to reproduce your own best sounds is one of the most exciting and practical things any singer can do. Then, you can choose to change and alter that sound for various styles, while at the same time keeping your voice and not sacrificing vocal health or style.
If you haven’t worked with the Complete Tone CD yet you should. It’s just a download away, or available as a physical CD at vocalcoach.com.
Voice Lessons To Go Series
Recent Posts
- Tricking your singing muscles- Free singing lesson video
- Start your day with 10 deep breaths
- Podcast interview of me speaking about children’s voices and music education.
- New Video- How to bridge your chest voice to your head voice.
- The “undependability” of your singing voice.
- Expose your voice with this sustained singing exercise!- New Video!
- Singing in the “pocket”: Inspired by Jacob Lusk- American Idol
- Casey Abrams has put a “spell on me”…
- The benefits of a quick moving vocal warm-up: New Video!
- I was so moved today…
- NEW CD RELEASE!!!- Voice Lessons To Go for KIDS!!! v.1- Sing Out Proud!
- Singing on Pitch, you got it or you don’t????- What I’ve learned from my Group Sing classes for young children.
- Learn from American Idol.- Hone your pre-singing impression.
- Vibrato, how can I get one, how can I change one, how can I get rid of one?
- Being thrown into a drum circle…”You sing Ariella”, uhhhhh…..
The youngest swimmer in the world won in the performance of Olympic swimming champion
16-year-old swimming prodigy Ye Shiwen has denied taking
performance-enhancing drugs, after smashing a world record at the London
Ye won gold in the 400m individual medley after breaking her personal best by at least five seconds.
There is strong reaction in China to questions over the performance of Olympic swimming champion Ye Shiwen, with internet users leaping to her defence.
Ye won gold in the 400m individual medley after breaking her personal best by at least five seconds.
There is strong reaction in China to questions over the performance of Olympic swimming champion Ye Shiwen, with internet users leaping to her defence.
China swimmer: Netizens leap to Ye's defence
Do animals respond to MUSIC...?check this
animals respond to music? And, if so, what could it tell us about their
personalities? Laurel Braitman, a science historian and author, has
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Have you ever had the realization that...
- you're an adult now
- wow, you're in college and showing up and doing your h.w. really do matter now
- you're an adult, done with college and you're not a kid anymore
- life just does not stop
- Jesus is God
- you're still a big fat sinner
- life is painful sometimes
- sometimes it's better not to know all the details
- you are so utterly dependent on God's grace for every breath of life
- you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep on and more that one change of clothes
Monday, July 30, 2012
Bible study, scripture references, Sunday school lessons, free software and Christian materials video.
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